

Start configuration is used to be provided for korob start command. It configures building process step of the command:

import { defineConfig } from "korob";
export default defineConfig({
  // options for the test command
  start: {
    entry: "src/main.ts",
    format: "esm",
    watch: true,

Default values

Default config
start: {
  entry: "src/index.ts",
  format: "cjs",
  skipNodeModulesBundle: true,
  dts: false,
  sourcemap: false,
  external: ["react", "react-dom"],
  minify: false,

Configuration reference

All of the configuration options are inherited from the tsup.


Documentation for all of the options can be found in tsup docs (opens in a new tab).


Korob overrides some of the tsup configuration options.


  • Type: never
  • Default: true

Silent option is completely removed from the configuration. It is overriden by the korob's internal logger.


  • Type: string
  • Default: "src/index.ts"

Entry option now allows to specify only single entrypoint instead of an array. It can only be a path to a file & not a directory.


  • Type: never
  • Default: undefined

This option is considered deprecated in tsup as well as config.start.entry now accepts only a single entrypoint. This is why it is removed from the configuration.


  • Type: "cjs" | "esm" | "iife"
  • Default: "cjs"

Because of the meaning of start command, you can only specify single executable format instead of an array.